Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Barber Shop Campaign

The 2015 campaign for the City Council District 2 seat was born in Hill’s Barber Shop on Elmwood Avenue in Columbia.

For months, conversation in the barber shop about the lack of council representation in District 2 was the dominating topic. It was believed that the district had been neglected and forgotten far too long. Subsequently, it was determined that something had to be done concerning the situation. That’s when in early June 2015,  a small group of concerned patrons of the Barber Shop decided to form a serious search committee in order to find an outstanding candidate to run for council and who knew the district and would serve its residents well.

After several interviews with prospective candidates, the recent candidate-elect agreed to run for the seat. A number of long term residents from across the district formed a volunteer campaign committee with others joining who brought unique talents to the table.

The campaign began to positively move forward when the chosen candidate begun to meet with individuals and groups throughout the district. The campaign
staff and workers were meeting twice a week to strategize and to discuss various task.

More importantly, many outstanding community leaders and groups were sought for counsel and support. Further, members of the business community supported the campaign.

The campaign’s main focus was to ensure that District 2 citizens and neighborhoods were relevant. Also, that it should be realized the business districts and neighborhoods shared a common interest of success.

In closing, the success of the campaign is attributed to an outstanding councilman-elect, an exceptional group of hard working campaign volunteers, dedicated community and business leaders and especially the resident voters throughout District 2.This was the winning combination for the general election and subsequently the run-off election on November 17, 2015.

Let us all make District 2 and Columbia a great place to live, work and have fun.

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